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Guidelines Subcommittee

Oversees the development, dissemination, and implementation of evidence-based systematic reviews, practice advisories, and clinical practice guidelines.

Chair: Alexander D. Rae-Grant, MD, FAAN

Vice Chair: John J. Halperin, MD, FAAN

Staff Liaison: Kylie Botchway-Doe, Guideline Development Manager

Job Description

The Guidelines Subcommittee oversees the development, dissemination, and implementation of evidence-based systematic reviews, practice advisories, and clinical practice guidelines. The Guidelines Subcommittee reports to the Quality Committee.

Committee Responsibilities

  • Assess and respond to guideline development, dissemination, and implementation environment, organizational priorities, and member needs.
  • Develop evidence-based documents (systematic reviews, practice advisories, clinical practice guidelines) following the AAN guideline development process.
  • Collaborate with appropriate external organizations, AAN committees, and AAN subcommittees; a close collaboration exists with the Quality Committee and its respective subcommittees to link guidelines to measures to performance data in Axon Registry®.
  • Continually work to improve the efficiency, output, and rigor of the AAN’s guideline development, dissemination, and implementation processes.
  • Understand the current IDEAS landscape to ensure final products address diversity and equity considerations and to improve the development process to address IDEAS considerations, as appropriate.

Member Responsibilities

  • Facilitate and execute one to two guideline dissemination plans, which include the development of guideline-based tools (clinician and patient/family summaries, presentation slides, clinical case examples) and more on a project-by-project basis.
  • Serve as an author on three or more guideline panels (including the two to five listed above).
  • Contribute to the continued improvement of guideline development, dissemination, and implementation processes by participating in various work group projects.
  • Adhere to the AAN Author Agreement.
  • Attend 75% of face-to-face and virtual meetings held each year, an estimated 4 meetings annually.
  • Check and respond to emails in a timely manner.
  • Vote on subcommittee motions during meetings and via email communications.
  • Liaison to other committees, subcommittees, or external organizations.
  • Copy AAN staff on all subcommittee-related correspondence.

Estimated Time Commitment

10 hours per month in addition to meeting attendance


Subcommittee members are appointed by the AAN President-Elect.

Committee Composition

  • 29 voting members, including the following:
    • Chair
    • One Vice Chair
    • 27 at-large members
  • Chair of Quality Committee (non-voting)
  • AAN EBM methodology consultants (non-voting)