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Capitol hill report: Neurology Advocates begin educating new members of congress

February 8, 2021

Building New Relationships Key to Future Advocacy Success

Member Perspective by Amy Guzik, MD

Connecting neurologists with members of Congress is a key part of AAN advocacy efforts to promote awareness of issues affecting our patients and our profession as it continues via remote visits during the pandemic. Spearheaded by Neurology on the Hill in the spring, Neurology off the Hill in the summer, and the Legislative Summit in the Fall, the AAN continues to work year-round to advocate for our patients and members. With the start of the 117th Congress this month, virtual visits are being used to educate freshman lawmakers about the AAN and our top issues.

AAN advocacy staff arranged for a Zoom meeting with my newly sworn-in North Carolina district Rep. Kathy Manning and a member of her staff. This Zoom visit was a great opportunity to introduce the AAN and discuss priorities such as reducing the burden of prior authorization and step therapy, the importance of addressing drug pricing, and support of telehealth. I was able to relay the importance of telemedicine to my patients during the pandemic and maintaining access to this technology beyond the public health emergency. As a new member of Congress, Rep. Manning was incredibly receptive to hearing how these issues are affecting constituents in her district and Derek Brandt, the AAN’s Director of Congressional Affairs, was able to support my patient stories with details of relevant legislation. The virtual visit provided a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere and meeting my local representative allowed us to connect on issues important to our community. With this connection, I was able to offer to be a resource as future bills are introduced, particularly important with the changing landscape of telehealth reimbursement and health care legislation.

With nearly a year of Zoom experience under our belt, the virtual visit felt as impactful as an in-person visit. I would encourage anyone with new representation to reach out to the AAN and consider a visit. Local advocacy will continue virtually during Neurology on the Hill in May. If you are from the states of Alaska, Delaware, Idaho, Maine, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, South Carolina, or South Dakota, we encourage you to apply. Your voices are needed to represent neurology on May 19. Applications are being accepted until February 26. Learn more and apply.  


New Health Care Executive Orders Signed

On January 28, President Biden signed executive orders aimed at promoting access to care and reversing key policies from the previous administration. Specifically, the executive orders re-opened access to the Health Insurance Exchange marketplace through a special enrollment period and directed federal agencies to reconsider rules and other policies that limit Americans’ access to health care. The executive orders also rescinded the global gag rule, which bars international nonprofit organizations that provide abortion counseling from using American tax dollars and directed the Department of Health and Human Services to consider immediate action to protect access to reproductive health care. The AAN continues to closely monitor as the new administration works to implement their health care agenda.


AAN Priorities Re-introduced for 117th Congress

A bill that is not enacted in a two-year Congress perishes when that Congress adjourns. It must be reintroduced in the next Congress to be considered further. Several pieces of legislation that are supported by the AAN were reintroduced over the last few weeks, including: