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Funding Available for SIGN Chapters

US and Canadian chapters, learn how to apply for reimbursement for SIGN event-related expenses.


Who is Eligible? 

For the 2023-2024 chapter year, only US and Canada-based chapters are eligible for reimbursement for SIGN-related expenses. You must renew your chapter status before submitting new reimbursement requests. Please check the SIGN chapter map to make sure your status is active.

Setting Your Chapter Up for Reimbursement  

  • Identify a designated “vendor” within your chapter. A vendor is someone who can be reimbursed; this person could be a chapter member, administrative assistant, or faculty advisor. Other members can make purchases on behalf of the chapter, but it is the vendor’s responsibility to distribute reimbursements to members who have made purchases on behalf of the chapter.
  • Be sure that your chapter has completed the 2023-2024 renewal/registration form and submitted a roster for the year. 

Submitting for Reimbursement

Keep all receipts for SIGN-related purchases. When ready to submit for reimbursement, the vendor should send the receipts and completed expense form to the Staff Liaison. 

  • Common reimbursable expenses include food and beverage costs, trivia prizes, speaker costs, and printing supplies. 
  • Reimbursement limits are unaffected by external funding. We encourage chapters to seek funding from their institutions or other sources as needed. 
  • All reimbursements must be submitted within 30 days of the event.

Reimbursement Tiers

Reimbursement request limits reset with the new chapter year. Tiers are based on your chapter activities per the previous (2023-2024) end-of-year form


  1. Have active chapter status - $100
  2. Submit previous cycle end-of-year form and host a community outreach event - $400
  3. Create mentorship, shadowing, and/or research opportunities, or host a regional or large inter-institutional event - $800

Example: based on your 2023-2024 activities, you were eligible to request $400 and had requested $270 as of April 1. Between April 1 and July 31, you would be able to request up to $130 more. Once the new chapter year starts on August 1, 2025, reimbursement resets and is based on your 2024-2025 activities.

Please contact the staff liaison with any questions, or to indicate that your chapter should be eligible for tier 3 based on new activities.