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Capitol hill report: Focus Is on Three Issues for Neurology on the Hill

May 9, 2022

Latest Advocacy News

  • AAN member Kavita V. Nair, PhD, published an op-ed in a local Colorado outlet advocating for letting patients benefit from prescription drug reform. Nair also recently testified before the Colorado House Health & Insurance Committee to advocate in favor of step therapy reform.
  • The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has published the CY 2023 Medicare Advantage and Part D Final Rule, which will implement changes impacting Medicare Advantage and Part D plans aimed at reducing out-of-pocket drug costs by requiring that discounts be passed through directly to consumers as well as protections for dual-eligible beneficiaries. These policies were strongly supported by the AAN in the comments we submitted during the rulemaking process.
  • The AAN recently welcomed Hallie Koch, our new Government Relations Program Manager, to its ever-growing Washington, DC office. Hallie will contribute to both the AAN’s state and federal advocacy efforts, including strengthening the AAN’s digital tools and empowering AAN members on the Academy’s top issues.

Issue in Focus

On Tuesday, May 24, 170 AAN members will gather in Washington, DC, for the 20th annual Neurology on the Hill. This is the first time the event will be held in person since February 2020 and is expected to be a successful event. Members will attend a mixture of virtual and in-person events, as Capitol Hill is still in the process of slowly opening back up to the public. While there, members will discuss the AAN’s top issues and promote solutions to problems facing neurologists today, such as:

  • Address Overly Burdensome Barriers to Care: Urging Congress to support the Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act of 2021 (S. 3018/H.R.3173) by cosponsoring or calling for a hearing or mark up of this bill. Additionally, to cosponsor the Safe Step Act (H.R. 2163/S. 464), which establishes common sense guardrails and a swift appeals process for step therapy protocols for patients in need.
  • Extend Telehealth Flexibilities: Asking congressional members to cosponsor the Telehealth Extension and Evaluation Act (S. 3593/H.R. 7573) to maintain access to care via telehealth for people with neurologic conditions for at least two years following the public health emergency.
  • Support the Neurology Workforce: Requesting that representatives and senators cosponsor the Resident Physician Shortage Act of 2021 (S. 834/H.R. 2256) and the Conrad State 30 and Physician Access Reauthorization Act (S. 1810/H.R. 3541) to support and strengthen the neurology workforce.

If you are not attending Neurology on the Hill this May, please be on the lookout for other opportunities to get involved, such as Neurology off the Hill and AAN Action Alerts.

What We're Reading

  • HHS to appeal Texas ruling that struck down key parts of surprise billing rule (Fierce Healthcare)
  • Women responded better than men to early Alzheimer’s intervention, study found (CNN)
  • Medicare’s Brooks-LaSure expects restrictions on accelerated approval drugs, like those for Aduhelm, to be ‘very rare’ (STAT)
  • FDA Permits Marketing for New Test to Improve Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease (FDA)